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Showing posts from October, 2018

Assignment 5 - Data Analysis Reading

DATA ANALYSIS READING ASSIGNMENT The paper studied for the following responses could be found here  and here . §   What were the assumptions of the model and the data analysis the authors used? Assumptions of the model were that the social network adoption spread very similarly to the way diseases spread amongst a finite population. They also assumed that there would be a gradual disuse of social networks as users and their peers begin to lose interest. Hence, it reflected the gradual reduction in number of members, much similar to the cured number of people in epidemiological progression. Authors also assume that web traffic is the general metric to measure the data of social network usage. §   Find three arguments that could call the authors’ conclusions into question. Three arguments I believe that bring the authors’ conclusions into question are: 1) Users shall gradually get disinterested in a social networking platform. – This assumption implies that the inter

Assignment - 4 (Echo Chambers, Filter Bubbles, Opinion Mining and Opinion Manipulation)

Responses to the Assignment 4 - Public Discourse in the Age of Personalization: Psychological Explanations and Political Implications of Search Engine Bias and the Filter Bubble Audrey B. Carson Please propose an alternative design for Google search that addresses problems posed in this paper. By design I mean here just a short description of user interactions, information filtering and presentation of results. Google search, in its current form, does pose the issue of "Filter Bubbles" and as the paper states, could potentially be performing  "global lobotomy".  But at the same time, providing an alternative design for Google search is a monumental challenge in itself, as it needs to take into consideration various challenges, including but not limited to the following criteria: TRUSTWORTHINESS OF SOURCE: -  "Trusted Source/Vetted Media Source" Badge  - Much like how Facebook & Twitter have currently adopted "Verified Account&quo